My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots Chapter 1381 – Trick - Novel Cool (2024)


Chapter 1381: Trick

It was as if someone reached into his chest and gripped his heart tightly. At this moment, the hand that suffocated him suddenly disappeared.

Chi Yang looked at the girl in front of him with a profound gaze. His eyes which were as cold as a lake that froze over a hundred thousand years ago melted.


After receiving Big Brother Chi Yang's affirmation, Nuannuan finally had a clear idea of the kind of attitude Grandpa Chi and Big Brother Chi Yang had toward Zhou Ruxue. With that, she knew how to deal with this situation.

“Big Brother Chi Yang is the best!”

When Grandpa Chi saw the couple's heartwarming interaction, his gloomy mood was instantly lifted. He took out the check with seven million bucks from his wallet and handed it to Nuannuan. “Little Girl, this is for you too. Consider it New Year's money from me.”

Nuannuan's eyes lit up, and she accepted the check without hesitation. After all, both Grandpa and Big Brother Chi Yang hated this woman so much. Even if they were short of money, they would never accept her money, not to mention the Chi family was very well-off.

“Thank you, Grandpa. Happy New Year, Grandpa. I hope that you're blessed with health, a long life, and happiness every day!” As Nuannuan retrieved the check from him, she uttered many well-wishes without thinking. The old master laughed out loud in spite of himself, even though he had been greatly dismayed a moment ago.

He lamented that everyone in his family was too austere. They would be at a disadvantage against a woman like Zhou Ruxue. Little Girl Nuan with her childlike temper was perfect to deal with Zhou Ruxue.

He recalled how Zhou Ruxue still acted as if she had done nothing wrong after doing the worst to the Chi family; pretending that the Chi family was indebted to her. Looking at her twisted expression now, Grandpa Chi felt a sense of satisfaction.

“Nan. Gong. Nuan. Nuan!”

“Ms. Zhou, what's the matter? If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave now. After all, it's Chinese New Year's Eve, and we still have a reunion dinner to return to.”

“Since you've accepted these checks, you must break up with Chi Yang!”

“Why should I?”

Zhou Ruxue was so angry that she nearly choked.

“I just told you that this is payment for your breakup. Since you accepted the breakup fee, you should break up with Chi Yang!”

Nuannuan blinked her beautiful big eyes.

“Ms. Zhou, we might be able to eat whatever we want, but we can't say whatever we want. What breakup fee? Isn't this your New Year's money as a sign of respect to the Chi family? When have I ever agreed to break up with Big Brother Chi Yang? I'm telling you; our feelings for each other is more long-lasting than gold. Even if a time came where you would divorce your husband, I would never break up with Big Brother Chi Yang.”

“How dare you trick me?” Zhou Ruxue went through so much difficulty to lobby this sum of money from her husband. She had only taken fifty million, and she had given a fifth to this little b*tch. However, this little b*tch had cheated her of the money without even spitting out a single air bubble.

“Ms. Zhou, how can you say that? You willingly gave me the money; I didn't ask you for it. How can you accuse me of tricking you? I'm the eldest daughter of the Nangong family, a socialite from a prestigious family. Do I need to trick you for ten million bucks? Don't slander me! If you slander me, the Nangong family will sue you.”


“Thank you, Ms. Zhou, for treating me to this afternoon tea. The food here is rather wonderful, so I'll visit this place more frequently. So… Ms. Zhou, I wish you a Happy New Year. I hope that you're blessed with a lot of children and prosperity!”

With that, she held Chi Yang with one hand and Old Master Chi with the other. “Grandpa, Big Brother Chi Yang, let's go!”

At that moment, Chi Yang's ruffled fur had been smoothed out, and the old master's anger had already been replaced by smiles.

Chapter end


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My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots Chapter 1381 – Trick - Novel Cool (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.