My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots Chapter 1379 - Novel Cool (2024)


"I see. You should've gone to see Shi Yalin and make her your daughter. Why did you come to me?"

Zhou Ruxue stared at Nangong Nuannuan in disbelief.

Had she been playing the lute to a cow after saying so much to Nangong Nuannuan?

"Nangong Nuannuan, don't try to dodge the topic. I've already said that I don't acknowledge you as my daughter-in-law, so you can either scram or take the money and scram. Since you've already accepted my money, you should do your job and leave Chi Yang. Now you're asking me why I came to see you? Gee, I wonder why! You've already accepted my money, so why can't you answer that question yourself?"

"You are not Chi Yang's mother! When you remarried, I've already announced that the Chi family and Chi Yang will have nothing to do with you from now on! Zhou Ruxue, I've said that I don't want to see you ever again. Also, regardless of whether you're doing well or otherwise, please don't disturb the Chi family and Chi Yang! If you dare interfere with Chi Yang's life, I'll let you know the price of breaking your promise!"

Suddenly, a voice boomed from outside the door.

Soon enough, the door slammed open forcefully. Chi Yang helped Grandpa Chi in.

The moment Old Master Chi walked in, the arrogant Zhou Ruxue's gaze started to fleet about like a mouse that saw a cat.

Old Master Chi and Chi Yang were not in better states than Zhou Ruxue when they saw her.

Old Man Chi's cheeks were flushed with anger. The old master who was always smiling, who could deal with his enemies and Shi Jian's antipathy with ease, was now filled with anger so great he could not hide it.

Nangong Nuannuan then looked at her Big Brother Chi Yang. Although his jaws were tightly clenched, his eyes were on Zhou Ruxue as if he had seen something dirty.

What shocked Nuannuan was that she had already nursed Big Brother Chi Yang back to health mentally so that he would not suffer from insomnia. However, at that moment, Big Brother Chi Yang's eyes, which usually glimmered like stars, were utterly bloodshot. Not only that, a vein was protruding from his temple.

Nuannuan used her X-ray vision on Chi Yang and was so shocked that she almost leaped up and kicked Zhou Ruxue.

The meridians in her Big Brother Chi Yang's brain, which Nuannuan had painstakingly cleared up, had instantly turned into a mess after seeing his mother. A large patch of blood clots started to appear in a part of his brain, forming a small blood thrombus.

Nuannuan wanted to curse out loud.

How infuriating!

Zhou Ruxue was about to speak when Nuannuan leaped in front of Grandpa Chi and Chi Yang. She smiled and said, "Grandpa, Big Brother Chi Yang, don't be angry. It's not worth sacrificing your health for this!"

When Old Master Chi heard Nuannuan's voice, he finally recovered from his immense grief and indignation. He looked at Nuannuan and asked concernedly, "Little Girl, have you been wronged? Let me tell you about this woman—she has been chased out of the Chi family a long time ago. The Chi family no longer recognizes her as our daughter-in-law. So, no matter what she said to you, you can just pretend that they're farts."

Zhou Ruxue frowned in dissatisfaction when she heard Old Master Chi say that. "Dad, isn't it inappropriate for you to say that? I'm Chi Yang's biological mother, after all. How can you say that to someone of the younger generation?"

Seeing her grandfather and Big Brother Chi Yang inhaling sharply because of Zhou Ruxue's words, Nuannuan quickly said—

Chapter end


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My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots Chapter 1379 - Novel Cool (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.